Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What? You did not just quote family guy!!!!

You know what really grinds my gears?....People who have those funky anger problems. You know? For example, they stay silent all morning while little things piss them off again and again, till they blow up. The kind of people who hide there anger for years, and go mad at the age of 45 and become serial killers. So, you know what really grinds my gears? People like me. I had this scary revelation last night while sitting on the fouton watching "The Barefoot Contessa". I sat there watching her (even though I hate her guts) as I unnoticingly clentched a milk chocolate coin tighter and tighter thinking "I hate this show, I should change the channel, why am I even watching this?" and then "Why is my had so sticky?"...I had not only melted, but completely squished the poor little chocolate. I am an unstable human being....I noticed that today.

So, after a crazy whirlwind two weeks where I hade no time to breathe let alone think, I'm back into my regular routine, and having come down off an incredible two week high, I'm back in to my "funk" aka depressed out of my mind. I almost bawled my eyes out today becuase my mother texted me and told me she had deposited 12 bucks into my checking account, and I now have just enough money to pay the credit card bill. I hate it when stuff like that happens...reminding me that someone bigger than all of this worldy crap is in control. My mother had no clue how much money was already in my account, nor did she know that I just got my bill..... I don't believe in chance. Gah...almost crying just thinking about it.

I'm also out of cigarettes...with no extra money to buy any. I suppose all things considered, thats a very good thing. I can practically hear my lungs singing for joy :P

ok...going to go find a corner to cry now :)...Fuck My Life.......