Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You, You never looked so good, sipping life down like I wish I could...

Farewell to me!!! I'm leaving in exactly....4 days :) (had to count on my fingers there...my brain is wearing an "out of order" sign) Last night was my farewell party, and boy oh boy was I trashed! Started drinking about 8pm with my buds, and went to bed after 3am...we had so much fun, my workmates and I. Drank like a champ, and threw up for my first time...think that's a mile stone there ;) want a list? Here you go, and I'm surprised I remember this....Started with beer, prolly had a bout 4, (we were playing beer pong...which I've found that suck at...I didn't make one cup all night!). Then came the shots...of, um, actually let me find the bottle ha ha... Black Sambuca...a highly viscus, licorice flavored liquor...prolly bout 4 or 5 of those. 40% alcohol by the way. hmm...then a mix of lemonade and sweet tea vodka, bout 3 shots of that...then various shots of Bacardi Razz, and straight Sweet Tea Vodka..and I know there was a glass of crappy white wine in there some where. I don't think I would have thrown up if I hadn't mixed all the bear and hard liquor and wine, but beer isn't my thing anyway, I should have requested some gin, but hey I wasn't going to complain as long as someone else was buying my underage ass alcohol hahaha :) As for hangover, I'm doing pretty good, woke up around 8am...hoping I take a nap later. I've got to clean and vacuum, and do laundry, then the rest of the week will be spent packing.

I'm so glad I don't work today, the week was scheduled perfect except for me working Saturday night....kinda made me mad, considering I requested to be done ON the 15th like 5 months ago...I definitely gave them a heads up, but I will make it :) I'm very sad to be leaving, I'll miss everyone (except Chef and the GM). They were all sweet in their own ways, and I know we all loved each other. I was so blessed in that way to get to know and love my coworkers, and have them like me in return. Being very new to living on my own, it's hard for me to make friends and be outgoing, but I made some great friends and was able to lean on them during difficult time, and lend them my shoulder to cry on in return. I know I gained the trust of some great people here, and that is what means the most to me out of these six months of work.

At this very moment, I am falling very, very, very, very, deep in love with Cary Grant...That man makes me want to do unspeakable things....but then there is also James Stewart, and having them both in the same movie (The Philadelphia Story) battling over Kathrine Hepburn....phew.... Cary is so mean and handsome, and James is so tall and sweet...please, somebody bring me my smelling salts! Maybe I'll just change the channel before I swoon.

hmm, I think I will close for now, try to take a wee nap. uh, I just realized that James never intended to take his bathrobe off and swim...and I now I feel sad. Pathetic life I lead eh? Not really tho, I'm actually a vibrant, sexy, woman with a life a king would be envious of *wink* ( And if you believe that...then...Gulible is written on the ceiling!!!!)

Keep safe my dears, and may the road always rise up to meet you <3